How To: Using highlighting to focus as you read


What is highlighting and what are the benefits? #

Highlighting is a way to mark up text as you’re reading. In a literal sense, the action of highlighting emphasizes a section of text and makes it easier for a reader to focus on a piece of text.

This tool can be useful to highlight key pieces in articles – like stats or quotes. In addition, using highlighting can create helpful milestones through a large piece of text to help with later reading. Last but not least, highlighting can help readers focus on the text they’re working to get through.

In addition – Command is unique in it’s ability to journal highlights. Journaling lets you go further and capture a note or idea as you read a passage.

There are many use cases to highlighting – it’s up to you make it your own & find a reading culture that works for you.

How do I use it? #

selecting text.png

To highlight, long press any text you’d like to mark up. After the drag indicator appear, drag the indicators to cover the text you’d like to highlight. Tap highlight after this to select the text.

Upon highlight, you’ll be offered more selection options to do more with the current highlight.

What are the suggested use cases for it? #

Here at Command we suggest adding interesting articles you come across to your reading list & pulling out interesting stats and quotes as you read.

Ultimately we believe highlighting is foundational, much like browsing. Personal workflows will vary based on your needs.


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