How To: Use Command Everywhere with Share Extensions


What are share extensions & what are their benefits #

Share extensions are a way to open links and take notes from outside Command. These feature extends the ability of Command throughout your phone.

Not every app values space for thinking or focused reading. Command is designed to give you control in these situations by giving you easy access to tools for thought wherever you are.

How to use share extensions #

Use Everywhere.png
You can use share extensions where ever the option to share exists. Usually the share button looks like an open square with an arrow coming out of it.

After opening the share sheet – that Apple default card that lets you share – you can tap the Command Icon to journal or the action cell below the row of icons to open in Command.

If you can’t see these icons, it’s possible that you need to add it to the share sheet. To do this, swipe to the end of the section and tap more or edit actions
More Edit.png

Suggested Use Cases #

There are numerous things you can do with extensions.

A few fun things to try share extensions on:

Annotating Screenshots
You can use the Command Extension to take private notes on tweets. By sharing a tweet into Command, the Journal Note Taker opens up on any screen you’re on.

Opening Links
You can use the Command Extension to open links to read with highlights. By sharing a link, you’ll load a link to be read with highlights.


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